Interactive tour of the Seyne-les-Alpes Citadel
7 - Tower (south side)

In front of you stands a rectangular tower 12 meters high. This one was built well before the Fort, probably during the XIIth century. In August 1220, Amblard and Bonnon (the consuls of Seyne) promised the Count of Provence Raymond BĂ©renger V to raise the tower of Seyne by one floor in exchange for various rights, franchises and liberties. The tower already existed before that date! In addition, Vauban, who visits the Fort in 1700, already attributes to him six centuries of existence.
This edifice in stones has been able to resist the centuries and Vauban considers it worthy to be encompassed in the citadel. He even wrote, "The best thing is the tower." In the seventeenth century, it was enough to crown it with loopholes and practice on its north face, which you will discover by going around it, two large openings to place guns there.
Notice in the upper part a line of black, schistose stones which block the holes left by the demolition of the machicolations of the Middle Ages.